Contact us

Contact Us

Contact us for help, or to join the team.


272 Dunns Mill Road Bordentown NJ 08505

How To Become Part Of Us

We Love To Have Volunteers At Wecare International . With So Many To Serve During Our Drives, Extra Pairs Of Hands Are Always Welcome… And Always Needed!

Ethical volunteering is extremely important to us and we expect all our volunteers to understand our goals and have the same ideology.

Offer your professional skills, such as marketing, legal, IT, or financial expertise, to help us  with specialized tasks or projects.

Raise awareness about our cause through social media, community events, or advocacy campaigns.

Collaborate with us through corporate partnerships, sponsorships, or joint initiatives that align with our mission.

Attend our events to learn more about our work and show support for the organization’s cause

Organize fundraising campaigns or events to raise funds for specific causes or programs within the organization

Join the board of directors or advisory boards to provide strategic guidance and governance to the organization.

Contribute financially to support the organization’s mission. Donations can be one-time or recurring and could include monetary donations, in-kind gifts, or donations of resources the organization needs.